
Sunday, November 17, 2013

I know absolutely,

How the person who first got the light bulb going off in their head relating cigarettes and second hand smoke to CANCER.  If only, if only I could go back in time and meet these people and learn how they did it.  How they made people, business and GOVERNMENT realize that tobacco actually KILLED people.  How many years the media toted smoking and how COOL is was.  How cool is it when you are gasping for breath and have black lungs? 

My lungs are getting weaker every time I have to leave my house for food, fuel or information and place myself anywhere near other people.  When my lungs fail, are the fragrance manufacturers going to step up and take responsibility? I hope I am alive to see the day when the first law suit against the big fragrance companies is won and they have to start taking responsibility for their actions.  I honestly hope that government officials are named in the suits as being the persons in powerful enough positions that are BOUGHT off by lobbyists rather than actually getting off the fence and making changes!

If those of us with severe MCS cannot walk into a doctors' office because of the toxins floating around in their environmental system and the people slathered in fragrance; because they are too ignorant to realize the danger they are putting themselves and everyone around them in, how in Heavens' name can we prove the illness is what we say it is.  The end of our lives, as we know it.
The end of walking away from our houses or even inviting someone TO our home.

As the Christmas Season approaches, the old adage "Good Will toward Men" comes to mind.  And yet, where is the good will when the instant I have to put my mask on or mention the fragrance "allergies" to someone, they snub me; stare at me; turn and walk away; or make a mockery of my distress?

I'm thinking that over generations, the general public has become lemmings, willing to follow when & where big business (ie, COMMERCIALS AND MEDIA) tell them.

OH, LOOK PEOPLE.  Someone is selling out your health for money.

Go figure.

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